However, the New York Times still admits to ignoring “how Musk, an increasingly active, if uncredited, player on the world stage after Trump’s victory, came to embrace the journalist’s cause. He is close to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who visited Mar-a-Lago, the Trump property in Florida where Mr. Musk is regularly present, and met with the president-elect on January 4“, we can read. Still according to the American media, Cecilia Sala’s boyfriend, Daniele Raineri, had already requested Elon Musk’s help to free his partner at the time Meloni went to Mar-a- Lake.”Mr Raineri, who is also a journalist, said he sent a message on December 29 to Italian IT expert and Musk acquaintance Andrea Stroppa, asking if he could bring Ms Sala’s case to the attention of the billionaire and ask for his help“, indicates the New York Times. In an interview, Stroppa declared that Elon Musk was aware of the request, while admitting to not knowing if the billionaire had ultimately been involved in the affair.
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