For years, a woman has been bringing a real nightmare to her neighborhood, in the town of Champlaurent, in Savoie. Deposit of excrement on the roads, insults, attacks… Her neighbors described to France Bleu their altercations with this woman, summoned to the Chambéry court on February 20.
This has been going on for years. The inhabitants of the small village of Champlaurent, in Savoie, where 32 souls live, complain about the nuisances of one of their neighbors. “This person’s problem is that they don’t want to see anyone walk past their house”tried to explain the mayor, Éric Barbier, to our colleagues from France Bleu. This famous neighbor who sows chaos in the surrounding area is protesting against the comings and goings of visitors to the place in front of her home, due to the communal parking placed right in front of the gate of her house.
Four offenses
Pierre, who lives next to this resident, can't take it anymore: “She puts branches in the middle of the road and pours her dry toilet on them, it’s an infection!”he complained to our colleagues. The mayor of Champlaurent confirms: “She even leaves excrement on the branches so that we cannot remove them”. In addition to pouring her excrement on the road, the latter takes photos of the cars that pass in front of her house. Several people tried to reason with her, in vain. Complaints were filed alleging verbal and physical attacks. The councilor mentions “hundreds of handrails” filed with the police.
A few of them finally came to fruition. The woman was summoned on February 20 to the Chambéry criminal court for four offenses: insulting a person holding public authority, throwing and or dumping on a public highway a substance that is inconvenient or harmful to public health or safety, obstruction to the circulation of vehicles on a public road, and theft, summarizes France Bleu. Residents hope that this hearing will bear fruit and stop their neighbor's behavior. The latter, however, did not wish to confirm that she would go to court.
published on January 15 at 6:38 p.m., Joanna Wadel, 6Medias
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