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Technological innovation: Senegalese Adji Bousso Dieng, named among the 10 intellectuals to follow in 2025

Assistant professor of computer science at Princeton University in the United States, Senegalese Adji Bousso Dieng is named among the 10 intellectuals to follow in 2025 by The Africa Report. The announcement was made Wednesday by the United States Embassy in Dakar, via a note published on X.

An assistant professor of computer science at Princeton University, Ms. Dieng directs the Vertaix Lab, where her innovative research explores the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and the natural sciences. “She is affiliated with several prestigious institutes, such as the Princeton Materials Institute, the Princeton Quantum Initiative, and the High Meadows Environmental Institute (HMEI), and is also a researcher at Google DeepMind,” the memo reports.

The same source reports that her work not only advances the world’s scientific knowledge, she also embodies a shining example of leadership in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) fields, particularly as a woman breaking through barriers in these traditionally male-dominated sectors.

Ms. Dieng’s leadership and commitment contribute, according to the note from the United States Embassy in Dakar, to “strengthening ties” between the United States and Senegal, particularly in the field of education. and innovation. “Her contributions are paving the way for future generations of young women in STEAM! », Informs the press release.


Mariama DIEME



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