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“It’s common sense” for this Côtes-d’Armor construction company


Marie Lambrinos

Published on

Jan 15, 2025 at 6:22 a.m.

HAS healthy housingwood construction company, based in Lanvollon (Côtes-d’Armor), the week of 4 days has been in place for a long time with success.

At the head of the company, Gilles Merrien, an engineer specializing in renewable energies, who spent his career in consulting and business management.

“Fitter employees”

By taking over the company in 2018, the device of the week in 4 days is already in place and he will complete it by bringing his skills in management always in the spirit of listening and well-being employees.

He gradually discovered the power of arranging working hours over 4 days.

Employees are fitter because the recovery time is longer, they develop more capabilities and responsiveness. And as there is less fatigue, this also affects the prevention of workplace accidents.

Gilles Merrien

Monday to Thursday evening

Healthy Habitat employees work from Monday morning to Thursday eveningof 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.mwith a lunch break reduced to 45 minutes.

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“This proposed solution is a real differentiator on the job market, it is an asset. Over the past two years, I have recruited four 20-year-olds and I have no problem with turnover.”

The boss is in a global approach by organizing meetings and debriefings forever and again improve internal relations and working conditions.

In fact, I practice CSR, corporate social responsibility without necessarily highlighting it, because it makes common sense to me.

Changing mentalities in construction

Today, less than 10% companies from sector of building opt for a 4-day week.

Healthy Housing works very well with this system and has a stable workforce of 10 employees.

It demonstrates that this sector of activity can s’adapter to new societal trends.

For him, it is important to see his employees arrive on Monday morning with the smile.

The key to being leaderaccording to Gilles Merrien, is knowing your employees and listening to them.

Today's employees are looking for fulfillment in work but also in their passions and hobbies.

Arranging working time means offering them a week-end plus long to indulge in it so that they find their balance.

It is up to the bosses to adapt to this trend, against which it is futile to fight. You can be just as effective by being close to your staff.

Healthy Housing continues its development and investments.

Gilles Merrien is at the disposal of consular chambers (chambers of commerce and industry, CCI, chambers of trades and crafts etc.) for share son experience et to accompany business leaders.

Jérémy Hamon is happy to work a 4-day week in his company, Habitat Sain, in Lanvollon (Côtes-d'Armor). ©La Presse d’Armor.

A boss with a social fiber

The atmosphere is good in the company and there is no stress.

Jérémy Hamon, 32, the manager's right-hand man and team leader, knows that his company is a model to follow:

We have a boss who has a social fiber, he trusts us and we communicate a lot, this allows us to all move in the same direction. Working in 4 days was a determining factor in accepting the position.

The employee confides that he no longer has the anxiety of Sunday evening since he knows that his week will end on Thursday evening.

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