Farmer since 1is January 1990 in the town of Flamanville, initially with his father then with a friend from 2001, Gaétan Brisset has always been involved with the Young Farmers then within the FDSEA, up to occupying the position of deputy general secretary. ” We relaunched the plowing competition in 1996 in the canton of Pieux “, he recalls.
Proximity to the antennas
Elected to the Manche Chamber of Agriculture, he is today a referent at the Valognes branch. ” This is what we call acting until the last km “, he notes. And for good reason, with regionalization, local branches have found their place. ” We are recognized by the communities and all stakeholders in Cotentin “, rejoices the breeder. It is all the more important for him as the voice of agriculture cannot be forgotten, particularly in a region where other economic activities are very present and more particularly in the documents of “urban planning.” Across Cotentin, there are 7 PLUI (local intercommunal urban planning plan). Agriculture must make itself heard and change things, keep exchanges as frequent as possible“, he notes.
The ZAN law (Zero net artificialization), the electrical connection of the wind farm in Saint-Marcouf, the La Hague Geopark, the expansion of the catchment perimeters… are also part of the discussions.
Bringing up problems from the field
In the fall, Cotentin faced a significant gale, damaging corn crops ready to be harvested. ” We alerted our network and mobilized the administration to go to the field “, notes Gaétan Brisset. As a result, relief from the TFNB was granted for the farmers concerned. ” This shows the interest in getting involved and raising issues on the ground. “, he underlines. Concerning the meadow ratios, he also highlights the action of the union. ” It was the FDSEA which brought the subject to the highest level so that things could move. We must not release the pressure “, he adds.
-Many hedges in Cotentin
In the Cotentin, hedges are very present. They constitute ” a real load “for farmers.” I plow plots of 60 acres “, laments the breeder. If a one-stop shop has been opened, Gaétan Brisset hopes above all that farmers can earn an income from it.
A chance to vote
All these subjects are raised as part of the Chamber of Agriculture election campaign. ” It’s a chance to have professional elections. Every voice counts. Thanks to this vote, the Chamber of Agriculture will be able to continue to maintain dialogue with all authorities and thus convey the voice of all agriculture. “, concludes Gaétan Brisset.
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