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The secrets of the Three Twins, what does their legend hide?

The legends around the ''Three twins'', Speusippus, Eleusippus and Meleusippus will be discussed during a conference.

It is rare that a town owes its name to the legend of trigeminals. This is the case of Saints-Geosmes, alteration of “Saints Jumeaux”. Speusippe, Eleusippe and Méleusippe, three boys converted to the Christian faith, were martyred around 172, under the emperor Marcus Aureliuswhose bodies or relics were buried in what would become the crypt and then the church of Saints-Geosmes.

A year of research

After more than a year of research, Chantal Andriot will take stock of the legends attached to the three young people as well asto their supposed grandmother and other characters linked to their passion.

She will deliver her discoveries which will lead to the public of Saints-Geosmes in Novgorod in Russiapassing through some French cities, where there are churches dedicated to the Holy Twins, and through Germany where their relics are sometimes found in very surprising places.

This work will be the subject of an illustrated conference given by Chantal Andriot, Friday January 17 at 6 p.m. at Pôle Urbatus de Saints-Geosmes, followed by a short communication from Alain Catherinet on the term “trigeminal”.

Practical Free entry. Information: 03 64 16 37 35.


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