DayFR Euro

“A century of absurdity”


Benoit Lesaulnier

Published on

Jan 13, 2025 at 11:58 a.m.

When children are on the front line planting trees. Thursday January 9, 2025a class of young people from the IME Marie-Crué in Flers (Orne) went to the banks of the Orne in flood to contribute to a tree planting project.

60 children plant 600 trees

On the Lionel Terray Outdoor Center campsite site, the Bossy-Cévert association supervises groups of young people with disabilities to plant hedges around future pitches reserved for campers.

For a week, young people in a Medical-Educational Institute (IME) or in a Work Support Establishment and Service (Esat) followed one another.

Over the week, 60 children participated in planting 600 trees. Six groups from the Marie-Crué establishment intervened. The opportunity for Laurent Gouny, inclusion project manager for the Normandie generation organization, to offer outdoor activities for young people.

This year, our common theme is biodiversity. This outing is a way for us to discover green spaces and understand what we see in class.

Marie-Laure David, teacher for 12-16 year olds.
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Young people with disabilities work in groups to plant trees. An application of what they see in class. ©The fighting Orne

Dylan particularly remembers the posters made on climate change. In the pouring rain, the young man is the first to help his comrades plant trees. “I enjoy working outdoors. And then, we’re not sugar-coated,” comments the young man, visibly enthusiastic about this workshop.

For Enzo and his friends, this activity makes them want to plant trees at home. “We learned how to plant and what trees are used for. »

“Plant massively” and locally

Good news for the association which organizes this plantation. “We have to plant massively. We organize plantings on public land or in businesses,” illustrates Alexandre Jacquettedirector of the association from Cesny--Halbout.

Of general interest, this organization plants microforests and hedgerows throughout . On the campsite, which currently resembles a potato field, many species are planted.

Alexandre Jacquette chooses diversification. Hazel, alder, wild rose, chestnut, hornbeam, buckthorn, privet. These species have the common point of being endemic.

Alexandre Jacquette is the director of the Boissy-Cévert association. It is responsible for planting trees with children with or without disabilities, thanks to private or public funding. ©The fighting Orne

These are tree species that exist here naturally. This helps counter a century of absurdity in planting unsuitable trees, such as conifers.

Alexandre Jacquette, director of the Bossy-Cévert association

For the specialist “biodiversity finds neither shelter nor shelter” in this environment. Almost everywhere in Normandy, it is children who dig the earth. “We have proven that this work with the earth makes children happy through a fulfilling moment,” explains Laurent Gouny.

The Bossy-Cévert association is increasing its actions. “At 14 euros per tree, we operate with public and private partners without any aid from the state,” explains Alexandre Jacquette, who specifies that tree donations are tax-free at 60%.

Enough to give Norman businesses ideas for greening their land.

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