In a long interview with “NZZ am Sonntag”, the director of the Association of Swiss Municipalities (ACS) did not hesitate to take a clear position. For her, “the Swiss asylum system risks collapsing”. The director points out that almost a third of the municipalities consider the supervision of applicants to be one of their biggest problems. Acceptance of migrants is said to be declining among the population. And the use of PC shelters to house them would no longer be the exception, but the norm.
In this context, Claudia Kratochvil deplores the budget reductions planned by the Confederation, in particular the reduction of half a billion francs per year in the integration package. She believes that this will have serious repercussions on the municipalities. In addition, the ACS asks Bern to speed up the processing of files, articulating the figure of 22,000 people who “are in a queue and blocking places which would be urgently necessary”. The director, however, welcomes the fact that municipalities are more integrated into overall strategic thinking, and she welcomes the holding of a national summit, which will take place this fall.
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