Launched in August 2024, the Kelkun application offers to connect individuals with craftsmen in the event of a problem or small work to be carried out, like Doctolib in the health sector. Available in the south, the platform now hopes to expand nationally.
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This is a bit of news that is making waves in the world of service applications. The Kelkun platform, launched less than six months ago by a resident of Hérault, offers individuals “help them” in the event of a problem or small work to be carried out, by calling on a craftsman.
In the interface, as in the time slot reservation service offered, up to the choice of the craftsman, the application is reminiscent of its famous medical colleague, Doctolib. All you have to do is make an appointment with the professional for your work, and during the transaction, Kelkun recovers a percentage of the price invoiced by the craftsman.
Although the application is very young and therefore only in its infancy, Grégory Valency, the founder of Kelkun, has been carrying out his project for three years now. “JI noticed that many customers had difficulty finding craftsmen, and vice versa“, he explains.
The platform was, according to its designers, designed to have a good user experience, but above all to allow all craftsmen to have easy access to it, in a very little digitalized environment. “We started completely from scratch“, says Laurent Frizon, the product director, also a developer. “The difficulty is to create a platform that is win-win for both the artisans and the customers.“
Arrival on the platform has therefore been simplified as much as possible for professionals. No long registration here, no documents to submit: simply download the application and uninstall it to exit it if it no longer meets the user’s needs. It was necessary “make the platform easy to handle”says Laurent Frizon.
► The report by Laurent Beaumel and Cédric Métairon in the premises of Get up :
duration of video: 00h02mn02s
Kelkun: an application to find artisans. A subject by Laurent Beaumel and Cédric Métairon.
©France Télévisions
And after a first try, a sort of ancestor of the current application, Grégory Valency quite easily found the name of the definitive version of the platform: “My clients have asked me I don’t know how many times if I know anyone“. Kelkun was born and will continue to grow: after Montpellier, Lyon, Toulouse and Bordeaux in particular, Grégory Valency intends to extend its tool to the whole of France.
It remains to be seen whether Kelkun will be able to grow sufficiently to keep up with word of mouth. In 2021, a study by Nielsen showed that 88% of consumers trusted above all the recommendations of their acquaintances.
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