Created in 2006 by the late Baye Dame Wade and Khady Ciss, RÉUSSIR BUSINESS Magazine has established itself as a key player in the Senegalese economic press. During this celebration, Khady Ciss, current director of the group, recalled the founding ambitions of the publication: “The idea was to create a framework for exchange to allow actors in the economy to dialogue, encourage and build together. Today, 18 years later, RÉUSSIR BUSINESS remains faithful to this mission and remains a catalyst for economic debates. »
To mark this important milestone, the magazine brought together key players from the private sector and decision-makers around a rich debate on the mechanisms to be implemented to achieve the objectives of the 2050 Agenda. Among the key subjects: the financing of structuring projects, public-private partnerships and the reforms necessary to stimulate inclusive and sustainable growth.
Khady Ciss also announced an ambitious new initiative: “Starting next month, we will organize each month an economic debate linked to the release of our issue. These meetings will be an opportunity to bring together stakeholders from a specific sector to discuss issues and solutions. » An initiative which confirms the role of RÉUSSIR BUSINESS as a driver of reflection and innovation in the Senegalese economic ecosystem.
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