Motorists will have to adapt to a new change linked to the tram construction site: the definitive ban on cars on the Guillemins esplanade. And this will have an effect likely to bother a certain number of current users, since the passage located between rue Paradis and rue de Sclessin will become exclusively reserved for trams and buses, with light signals prioritizing public transport. “Only the tram and buses will still be able to circulate there“, confirms Daniel Wathelet, head of Tram communications, in La Meuse.
This measure will be applied when the frequency of tests (the “dry run”, which will begin on February 11) comes into too much conflict with automobile traffic and requires it. At the latest, it will be at the time of commercial entry into service postponed, as a reminder, to April 15. Motorists will have to take an alternative route, passing through rue des Guillemins, avenue Blonden, the quays of the Meuse, and rue Jean Gol to reach the Fragnée district.
Please note that the drop-off point, at the rear of the station, remains available to drop off travelers.
The tram plans at this location.
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