The sudden and legitimate refusal of Jakarta drivers in the face of Republican legality following a ministerial circular from the supervisory authority. Whose fault is it? What possible solutions?
For more than 20 years, the State of Senegal has put “the cart before the horse”. By not wanting to take the bull by the horns, the State has failed in its sovereign mission as leader and guarantor of public policies. By letting it happen, turning a blind eye to the resurgence of Jakarta, the State must take control.
The current news plunges us into a national affair: Jakarta and three-wheelers. It’s a question of public policy. A circular from the supervisory ministry in which a reform is planned under unclear conditions and whose content is inapplicable has triggered the emotion of Jakarta drivers throughout Senegal. For more than 10 years, we have witnessed a rise in the popularity of two-wheelers and three-wheelers. In Senegal, nearly 30 million Jakartas are in circulation. Let’s not undress Issa to dress Samba. Tax revenues, as legal and legitimate as they may be, should not hunt down Jakarta drivers who are concerned about their future as young people.
Yes to budgetary rigor and no to the stigmatization of part of the population, Jakarta constitutes a real alternative, a solution to the multiple difficulties linked to the crisis in the urban, peri-urban and rural transport sector: traffic jams in urban centers , youth unemployment, intermediate means for businesses, shops, restaurants, all use this cheaper and faster means of transport.
We need to get out of this political-economic imbogriolo and move towards intelligent and rational regularization. After the traumatic sequence of demonstrations of the past years of tumult, we must all avoid a demonstration by the drivers of Jakarta, another irruption whose lava would burn innocent hands. Let those in power listen to the Senegalese below who are cornered on all sides by the expensive housewife’s basket, expensive electricity, expensive rents, rare and expensive water.
Unfortunately, two or three-wheelers encounter a number of obstacles: the absence of a driving license and training, the absence of insurance, the failure to wear a helmet, the overloading of passengers, the increase in accidents, snatching…all this is true and tarnishes the image of Jakartaman.
-In Kolda city, the Jakarta people, united in a dynamic association with its President Baïlo Barry and whose number is estimated at nearly 1064, are everywhere; in all neighborhoods and crossroads, street corners, markets… on the lookout for customers…. And it’s a truly local economy, a boon for customers and a little saving income for young people. The department of Kolda, made up of 14 municipalities, is faced with a lack of transport, Jakarta has become the most popular means of transport for the population for:
reach the city center of Kolda: markets, administrative services, various places where people live
carry out collection to school and secondary establishments
go to health facilities…
Today, we are faced with a real headache, what are the possible solutions?
Suspend the unpopular ministerial circular note which is causing a crisis, the application of which is inappropriate, because we cannot reform on the sly. Let’s apply the Overtoni window to it to make it acceptable, reasonable, popular.
Open negotiations with the National Association of this corporation which requested a meeting with the hierarchy, which would make it possible to manage this crisis around the negotiation table. This corporation is requesting formalization. However, this circular note has thrown sand into the machine.
In the meantime, I suggest that all stakeholders take into account some of my recommendations:
The road safety certificate (bsr) would be an alternative to the driving license which authorizes the use of Jakarta only in the absence of a driving license
A sworn statement from the person who acquired the Jakarta in the absence of an invoice or proof of purchase from the seller or reseller
An authorization-certificate issued by the State to the driver holding the BSR
The CNI of the driver and the (re)seller
A moratorium on the 28,000
There is no point in accusing our politicians and denouncing them. It is better to come out of the shadows to defend our own interests, which is a civic obligation. An idea becomes a material force when it takes hold of the masses:
Don’t touch my Jakarta
Expert in Public Policy,
former Mayor of Dialambéré –Kolda
i Concept en science
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