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For its 10th edition, the Delta Festival aims to be “more than ever” environmentally friendly

The festival, which will be held this year from September 4 to 8 on the Prado beaches, wants to continue to place respect for the environment at the heart of its organization and says it has “redoubled its efforts” in this regard for its 10th edition.

A 10th edition of the Delta Festival “more than ever” respectful of the site and the coastline. The event is to be held this year from September 4 to 8 on the Prado beaches in Marseille and the preservation of the environment will play a central role, assure the organizers a few days before the event.

“The festival has redoubled its efforts to work closely with local associations involved in protecting the environment. (…) This approach is part of a strong desire to reconcile celebration and environmental responsibility,” the managers explain in a press release.

Pocket ashtrays, cleaning operation…

Among these Marseille structures, we find 1 Déchet par Jour and Clean My Calanques, engaged in cleaning public spaces and particularly the coastline. Natacha Grimaldi, event manager, thus welcomes the absence of plastic bottles, the presence of a “green brigade” to ensure selective sorting and the good visibility of trash cans on the site, as well as the ban on conventional sun creams in favor of a biodegradable version proposed by the organizers, “a rare detail”.

Since a cigarette butt can pollute up to 500 litres of water, the Delta Festival has distributed 32,000 pocket ashtrays for free through associations and installed 250 fixed ashtrays on its site. In addition, the festival emphasizes that the day following the end of the festivities is notably marked by a major beach cleaning operation, as part of the Clean My Delta operation.

“The associations feel listened to during the festival, because their feedback is listened to and the points for improvement are taken into account in a transparent approach, where they remain at the heart of the improvement process,” praises Eric Akopian, founder of Clean My Calanques.

An entire organization ensured by 450 volunteers in 2023 and which allowed the festival to be labeled Ecofest. This year, the organizers and associations hope to be able to mobilize 500 people.

BFM Marseille is a partner of the Delta Festival.

Johan Honnet and Glenn Gillet


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