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the precious help of Moroccans after the storm

“Morocco has deployed the largest contingent of humanitarian aid in the recent history of Spain,” informs Gonzalo Sanz Ruiz, coordinator of the Joint Civil Protection Commission group. Moroccan agents come from different localities such as Tangier, Agadir, Casablanca, Tetouan and Fez, among others. Distributed in more than 15 municipalities of the Valencian community affected by the Dana, they have been working since their arrival in November to unblock the gutters. They have already succeeded in rehabilitating nearly 200 gutters, reports The Diary.

After almost two months of hard work, Moroccan agents remain motivated and determined to achieve their objective. “We came to work and help Spain, not to rest,” says Mohammed Alouch, originally from Rabat, expressing his pride and that of his colleagues “in helping the Spanish population and disaster victims, in the same way as Spain helped Morocco after the earthquake in the Al Houz region in September 2023.”

Read: In Valencia, Moroccans work up to 14 hours a day to restore the city to its original state

A map displayed at the Alfafar operational center provides information on the places where Moroccan workers intervened, following the instructions of the Integrated Operational Coordination Center (Cecopi). “We worked in underground areas like Catarroja, Benetússer, Paiporta and Sedaví, as well as in peripheral areas like Algemesí, Cheste, Chiva and Alcúdia,” explains Abselam Abdellah, member of the joint civil protection commission.

This humanitarian action by Morocco in Valencia is part of the bilateral emergency agreement signed with Spain on January 21, 1987 in Rabat. The mission of the Moroccan agents was to end before Christmas, but King Mohammed VI decided, in mid-December, to extend the duration of their stay until January 10. In addition to Morocco, other countries such as Portugal and provide assistance to Spain within the framework of the European Union’s civil protection mechanism.


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