Decision No. 2024-98 of December 31, 2024 from the Director General of France Travail sets the national list of jobs and professions eligible for the RFF for the year 2025. 596 professions are eligible this year. This decision repeals another decision taken a few days earlier and which then established a list of 1,056 professions. For the record, the RFF allows you to continue to receive remuneration after the extinction of rights to ARE, ASP or ATI, if the job seeker was granted, during his rights, by the operator, to follow qualifying training generally linked to a profession in tension. In an amount equal to the amount of the ARE, ASP or ATI, this RFF is paid until the end of the training. “However, the cumulative duration of payment of the ARE-F, the ASP-F, the ATI-F and the RFF is limited to 3 years for the same training,” recalls France Travail.
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