DayFR Euro

A Movement for Sovereignty and Social Justice in Senegal

The Front for an Anti-imperialist, Popular and Pan-African Revolution (FRAPP) has established itself as a significant voice in the Senegalese activist landscape. Founded in 2017, this movement mobilizes citizens around the notion of national and pan-African sovereignty, standing up against what it describes as “economic and political imperialism”.

Since its beginnings, FRAPP has been associated with slogans such as “ get out!” », illustrating a criticism of French economic and political influence in Senegal. However, as Sud Quotidien reported, this fight goes beyond the simple anti-French framework to target all imperialism, whatever its origin. This includes campaigns like “Auchan Get Out” and “China Mall Get Out” which reflect the movement’s commitment to defending local businesses against foreign competition, with the aim of promoting the economic rights of local people.

On the economic front, FRAPP challenges contracts deemed unfavorable with multinationals, particularly in strategic sectors such as oil, gas and mining. The movement calls for equitable management of Senegal’s natural resources in order to prioritize its citizens, a point regularly highlighted in Sud Quotidien’s analyses.

In terms of democracy and social justice, FRAPP advocates reforms to guarantee true democracy with transparent institutions. The movement emphasizes the need to combat abuse of power and ensure a fair distribution of wealth, thus facilitating access to fundamental rights such as health, education and employment.


Adopting a pan-African perspective, FRAPP develops a vision of African unity, essential according to them to overcome common challenges, including food self-sufficiency, the fight against corruption and sustainable development. The movement considers that the emancipation of the continent requires strengthened solidarity between African peoples.

The FRAPP, as described in the Sud Quotidien article, goes beyond a simple protest movement. It is a desire to reimagine sovereignty not only for Senegal, but for the entire African continent.


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