The latter also launched a yellow alert for rain from Sunday to Monday morning, for the provinces of Namur and Luxembourg. “Between this Saturday midnight and Monday morning, the precipitation will be quite marked at times and we can locally record 30 to 40 l/m2, mainly in the south of the provinces of Namur and Luxembourg (with more than 25 l/m2 in 24 hours)”, specifies the institute.
Activation of the number 1722 for risk of storm or flood
The Royal Belgian Meteorological Institute (IRM) having issued a bad weather warning for next night, the FPS Interior indicated on Saturday afternoon that the number 1722 and the e-desk are activated. This is the emergency call number for storm and water damage and when no life is in danger.
The electronic counter is the most direct way to request help from the firefighters, specifies the FPS Interior, a request which is transmitted directly to them. But it is also possible to call 1722.
The number 112 is reserved for situations where a life is in danger.
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