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SENEGAL-COLLECTIVITY-ENVIRONNEMENT / Cleaning day: Comico prepares to welcome the Head of State on Saturday – Senegalese press agency

Yeumbeul, January 3 (APS) – The inhabitants of the Comico city (military construction cooperative), a district of the commune of Yeumbeul north, in the department of Keur Massar, are actively preparing to welcome the president of the Republic, Bassirou Diomaye Faye for the official launch of the 8th edition of the National Day “sétal sunu réew”.

”This morning, I sent a message in our WhatsApp discussion group to ask neighborhood delegates to mobilize the populations to welcome the President of the Republic on Saturday,” Papa Ibrahima Fall, a of the six neighborhood delegates from the Comico city.

Created in 2004, this city mainly inhabited by families of soldiers, gendarmes and firefighters will host on Saturday the launch of the first edition of the year 2025 of the National Citizen Mobilization Day.

The Comico city has around 450 houses, distributed between six districts (series A, B, C, D1, D2 and E) for nearly 2,000 inhabitants, indicated Mr. Fall, district delegate of Series E. Military, retired in 2009, he has held these responsibilities since 2010.

A few hours before the arrival of the Head of State, in this city in the suburbs of Dakar, located near the military camp of Yeumbeul, nothing in particular suggests in the alleys and streets the signs of such visit. Few people go about their business. Meanwhile, students from the two CEMs return to class after the end-of-year holidays.

In places, we see workers at work, young people chatting here and there on various topics of society, sport, etc.

The Comico city of Yeumbeul has the particularity of being well-off, with streets and alleys, sandy and very clean, bordered by trees and flowers in front of the houses.

According to the district delegate of the E series, the Comico city of Yeumbeul north also has in terms of basic social infrastructure two elementary schools, a large mosque and three neighborhood mosques, a chapel and a Toddlers’ hut under construction. .

The Ministry of the Armed Forces is responsible for coordinating and organizing the 8th edition of the National Day “sétal sunu rééw”, placed on the theme “Seetal sa gokh, aar sa yaram: alongside the citizens, the armed forces engage”.

On the choice of their city to host the official launch of this national day of citizen mobilization, Papa Ibrahima Fall, thinks that “the President of the Republic certainly had echoes of their daily fight for the defense of the environment”. He hastens to add that “only the Presidency of the Republic knows the reasons for this choice”.

”Here, each neighbor seeks to copy the other’s good practices, good behavior, good manners, understanding, social harmony. We are very socially connected. The fight for a clean and healthy environment is a daily practice for us,” he maintained.

He praised the good work of agents of the National Integrated Waste Management Company (SONAGED) in the city. “The latter, he stressed, do their job correctly and regularly go down to the neighborhoods of the city to collect and remove garbage and other dirt.”

On the side of the Yeumbeul North town hall, the councilor Babacar Ndao, in turn promised to give a warm welcome to the President of the Republic, Bassirou Diomaye Faye.

”All of northern Yeumbeul will mobilize to welcome the President of the Republic. His coming as part of this edition of the national +setal sunu reew+ day is a real honor for us. Receiving the President of the Republic in our home is an honor that goes straight to our hearts,” he testified.

”I don’t know what motivated the choice to organize this Day in Yeumbeul North, but I can assure you that since my installation as mayor, I have prioritized good environmental management’ ‘, added the mayor of this local authority in the Keur Massar department.

He indicated that environmental management is one of “the priorities of the municipality, including the recruitment with own funds of 40 young people out of a target of 100, mobilized for the protection and monitoring of the living environment.”

“These young people will travel throughout our town because I care about sanitation and cleanliness,” explained the mayor.

For his part, Balla Ndiaye, principal of CEM Comico in Yeumbeul, promises to mobilize students and staff of the establishment to welcome and accompany the Head of State.

This establishment, which has 16 educational classes for 1,120 students, was ranked first in the department of Keur Massar in 2023-2024 with an admission rate to the Brevet de fin d’études supérieur (BFEM) of 91.30%.

”This visit by the President of the Republic is really an initiative that we welcome because we have for a long time wanted a head of state to come and visit the Comico city,” he underlined.

Mr. Ndiaye revealed that his establishment was preparing its students for this Day dedicated to the environment. ”Our students will perform on cleanliness and environmental management. It’s quite an honor to welcome the President, join him and do the necessary work,” rejoiced the principal of CEM Comico de Yeumbeul.

Other actors in the city, such as Aminata Diop, widow and +bajenu gox+ (neighborhood godmother), welcome this choice of the Head of State to officially launch this edition of the ”setal sunu réew” Day, at the cited Comico, an opportunity for the latter “to request support from public authorities to access more basic social infrastructure”.

”While everything seems to be going well here, in truth we have problems with the water supply. The pressure in our taps is so low during the day that we are forced to wait until very late at night to fill our tanks. We have taken steps to resolve this difficulty but until then, the problem persists,” argued the bajenu gox.

”We also need a sewer network. Our children also, after obtaining the BFEM, go to the Lycée de Yeumbeul, very far from here, to continue their secondary studies. On top of that, access to our city is not at all easy. We therefore need good roads too,” argued Aminata Diop.

Many residents are not yet informed of the arrival of the head of state.

”Ah yes, the President of the Republic will be there on Saturday, I didn’t know that, but it’s an excellent thing! », exclaims Aliou Sagne, a professional mason.

“If I manage to approach the President of the Republic, I will tell him to help young people access employment and training,” he suggested.

Not far from him, young people who discuss several subjects say they are also unaware of the arrival of the head of state in the city.

“Phew, I didn’t have this information and I don’t think my friends were aware of such news, but it’s a great moment”, underlined Papa Mohamadou Bamba Gueye, student at the Faculty of economic and management sciences (FASEG) from the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD), saying he was enthusiastic to receive the Head of State on Saturday.



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