A seemingly normal life
According to The ObserverModou Fall had everything to succeed. After living in Italy with his parents, who still live there, he returned to Senegal to settle in Malika, in a R+2 family building. He leads a seemingly peaceful life there with his wife, their daughter Anna, and her nanny.
But behind this facade lies a dark reality. Modou Fall, addicted to crack, is quickly caught up in drug trafficking networks in the Dakar suburbs. His regular consumption of this substance transforms him. Testimonies from neighbors in support, he becomes belligerent, antisocial, and gradually loses his footing.
A divorce that precedes the drama
Fifteen days before the crime that shook the country, Modou Fall divorced his wife. This new failure seems to accentuate his fall. On January 1, while the euphoria of the celebrations was in full swing, he consumed five doses of crack purchased on an underground site on the Route de Boune. Under the influence of drugs, he commits the irreparable: the barbaric murder of Souadou Sow, a 12-year-old girl and close friend of his daughter.
A technological and careful investigation
To find the fugitive, investigators from the Malika police station collaborated with the special Cybersecurity division. Using advanced techniques, they located Modou Fall near the Apix roundabout, where he was finally intercepted. The scientific investigation made it possible to corroborate key elements, exposing the premeditation behind his act.
A dubious attempt at justification
During his interrogation, Modou Fall tries to justify the unjustifiable. He claims that his crime was committed under the influence of drugs, highlighting his massive consumption that evening. But for the authorities and the population, this excuse cannot erase the cruelty of his act.
A national descent into hell
The affair, reported with precision by The Observergoes beyond the simple framework of a crime. It highlights the ravages of crack in the Senegalese suburbs, the importance of family vigilance, and the danger of uncontrolled addictions.
Malika, a town that witnessed this tragedy, remains forever marked by the passage of this man, once an ordinary father and neighbor, who became the face of evil.
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