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burglarized during Christmas night, the Secours populaire de Gravigny launches an appeal for donations

A burglary took place on the night of December 24 to 25 in the Secours populaire premises in Gravigny, in Eure. The association, which lost food donations and a van, is launching an appeal for donations.

A sad Christmas for the Secours populaire in Gravigny, near Évreux, in Eure. The charity suffered a burglary on the night of December 24 to 25, it said on its social networks.

The association indicates that shutters of the premises were broken and tiles broken. The volunteers then discovered that the intruders had helped themselves to the fridges and freezers which store food for vulnerable people.

“All this for a few sticks of butter, a few cans, frozen meat and 30 euros,” they lament in a text published on their Facebook page this Monday, December 30.

The theft of an irreplaceable van

The hardest blow for the Secours populaire de Gravigny was the theft of a van used to collect food from their partner. According to our colleagues from Bleu, the van was purchased for 7,000 euros several years ago.

“This will practically put our finances at zero,” regrets Evelyne Le Goff, the general secretary of the association, to our colleagues.

“The volunteers will not be able to spend the end-of-year celebrations peacefully since they will have to repair the premises to welcome families again on January 9. But who will pay for the damage, broken tiles, broken shutters, franchises for insurance and above all a new vehicle”, laments the association on its Facebook account.

Thanks to their financial resources, the association's volunteers planned to buy food products, organize holidays for vulnerable households, help pay for sports licenses or family outings.

“You have to be stupid, to remain correct, to attack an association like ours which helps people in difficulty,” conclude the volunteers who call on the population to show solidarity.

“In order to help us get through this difficult period, your donations and those of your loved ones who share our values ​​of solidarity will be welcome,” declares the association. Anyone wishing to obtain information can contact the association on


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