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Jean-Marc Vayssouze met the mayors of Lot

Senator Jean-Marc Vayssouze-Faure met more than half of the mayors of Lot.

The parliamentarian is increasing his meetings with mayors, whom he assures are “the guarantors of the stability of the country and the continuity of local public action”, in the face of a critical political situation. According to him, the Government appointed this Monday, December 23 will have to trust local elected officials more than ever to “put back on the path to stability and proximity”: this is what he remembers from the 15 field meetings organized since the start of 2024.

The most recent of these was held on December 13 in Montdoumerc, in the presence of around ten elected officials. During this exchange, several priority subjects were discussed: difficulties in recruiting town hall secretaries, local intercommunal urban planning plan (PLUi), complexity of exercising the mandate, administrative burdens and

regulations, uncertainties surrounding the provision of equipment to rural areas (DETR), etc. The agricultural crisis was also at the heart of the discussions. The Lot senator showed himself to listen to elected officials who had the opportunity to express themselves on the progress of the projects carried out by the municipalities of the south of the Lot. The participants also discussed the ongoing restructuring on the international scene, discussing in particular the difficulties encountered on the Ukrainian front and the work carried out by the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces Committee.

“These regular working hours and proximity with the mayors allow me to effectively and faithfully relay their concerns to the Senate. Their

testimonies from the field feed my action” confirms the former mayor of Cahors who intends to continue at this pace in 2025 and maintain dialogue throughout the mandate.

For several days and in a dual logic of innovation and transparency, the senator has given the opportunity to elected officials of the department and to those who wish to follow the progress of these meetings on his website ( . “The figures are updated in real time” announces the parliamentarian who has met, to date, 170 mayors or their representatives, or 54% of the 313 councilors in the department. “On this site, the people of Lotoise will also find the actions that I carry out in the service of our territory” adds Jean-Marc Vayssouze-Faure.



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