What is the situation in the Doubs department?
We are certainly below the safety standard which requires having a reserve of blood products equivalent to 15 days of the EFS needs, but the situation nevertheless remains correct, especially since we know that after the period holiday there is an increase in the number of donations. But it is obvious that always being more or less on the edge requires us to constantly relaunch our calls for mobilization, which is what I am still doing today!
In Doubs, how is blood collection organized?
There are 42 blood donor associations in the Doubs which regularly receive mobile collections, the precise dates and locations of which can be found on: www.dondesang.efs.sante.fr where it is possible to make an appointment, however one person who shows up spontaneously without an appointment will be accepted to make a donation. It is also possible to go to the French Blood Establishment (EFS) in Besançon which is open all week near the Minjoz University Hospital. Every day, 10,000 donations are needed in France to meet the need for blood to treat the sick. Because there is no substitute product, donating blood is essential!
An always useful reminder. Who can donate?
Anyone aged 18 to 70. You must be in good health and weigh more than 50 kilos. It is then possible to donate whole blood up to 6 times a year for men and up to 4 times a year for women. You must respect the period of at least 8 weeks between each donation. We note that in France it is the 20-24 year olds who are the most numerous but unfortunately not the most loyal during our collections and this loyalty is essential. At the national level, the number is 1.75 donations on average per person per year, in Doubs we are doing a little better here and it is still possible to do more.
How can I convince people to make this gesture that most can do?
We continue to promote donation but already 96% of the population knows what it is. And only 3.52% take the plunge at the national level and 5.4 in Doubs, so it remains to work and promote the donation, especially by playing down the fear of the needle which slows some people down. However, we can highlight the fact that donating blood would make you happier because it is a generous gesture that saves lives. So there is real satisfaction after participating.
How does a donation actually work?
Generally you are welcomed by a member of the association and received by EFS staff including a doctor to answer a questionnaire and find out if your current situation allows you to donate. Then you are comfortably seated for the sample which lasts a maximum of ten minutes. And finally, there will be a monitoring time during which you will be entitled to a snack. I remind you that this is a selfless gesture and therefore carried out free of charge. A European regulation (SoHO: Substances of Human Origin) was voted by Member States aimed at strengthening the principle of voluntary and unpaid donations in the EU, however, possible compensation is planned. The French Federation for Volunteer Blood Donation campaigns for donations to remain free, voluntary and unpaid.
You mention plasma, is that a cause for concern?
In France, regarding blood donation we are self-sufficient which is not the case for plasma. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood in which blood cells circulate: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. This is an even more important problem as we need it for cancer care and the production of certain drugs. However, we depend 60% on the United States, where donors are paid and it is a country which on this subject could also advocate protectionism and therefore export less. In 2024, in France 880,000 liters of plasma will have been collected. The objective is to increase to 1,400,000 liters in the next four years. This donation which is possible every 15 days therefore more frequently than blood and it is the AB- group which is a universal donor. But at present it is impossible to do this during mobile collection and you have to go to an EFS Donation House. We are therefore working to find solutions such as setting up regular shuttles to Besançon.
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