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Béarnais pays tribute to Lily, who died Thursday in a fatal accident in Monein

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The 16-year-old Béarnaise started four years ago and has already been captain of her team several times within the green and white club. While photos of the teenager were scrolling on the giant screen of the stadium and the helicopters of the 4th RHFS, which had taken away the match ball, had just withdrawn noisily, the announcer completed the tribute to Lily, “a young girl who is joyful, bubbly and esteemed by all, a fan of our sport and of the Paloise Section.” His favorite club will not have forgotten him.

Tribute to the Hamlet

A few hours earlier, it was on its Facebook page that the Lons Section Paloise Rugby Féminin paid tribute to its missing player, by posting two photos of her and the following message: “It is with immense sadness that we learned the tragic death of Lily, a young player from our club. Lily was much more than a player, she embodied the values ​​of our club through her commitment, her passion and her joie de vivre.”

And added: “Our most sincere thoughts go to his family, his loved ones, as well as all those affected by this brutal loss. At this difficult time, the solidarity of our big rugby family is essential. Rest in peace Lily »

“A piece of ourselves was torn away from us”

Contacted, the president of the club, Jean-François Lombard, confided: “Today, it is the great Béarn rugby family, whom I thank, who pays tribute to Lily. The emotion even went well beyond the department, we received phone calls from almost everywhere. Again this morning I had the vice-president of the French rugby federation on the phone.”

But the latter wants his club to “stay behind”, in this “complicated moment”: “We will do a ceremony again, in a smaller circle, but later. My thoughts, our thoughts, go first to Lily's parents and her family. We are all devastated by what has just happened.”

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Marked, he nevertheless slips in a few words for the missing young woman. “Lily wasn’t just a player at our club. She was much more: she was a part of our soul. She was very popular, full of life. Even if this is obviously out of proportion to what his loved ones are going through, last Thursday, a piece of ourselves was torn away from us.”

Jean-François Lombard concludes by emphasizing that his club will “support its players as best as possible, “for the rest of the events and the season”.


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