An episode of air pollution has been underway for several days in the Lyon area. Differentiated traffic is in place from Sunday December 29 from 5 a.m.
A pollution peak is underway in the Lyon basin and Nord-Isère. The orange alert has been triggered, the Rhône prefecture announced in a press release on Saturday December 28.
Several emergency measures have therefore been put in place, including differentiated traffic. Vehicles with a Crit'Air 1, 2 or “zero engine emissions” sticker are the only ones authorized to circulate in the Low Emission Zone (ZFE) of the Lyon metropolitan area.
“The exemptions issued by the metropolis of Lyon relating to the ZFE are suspended in the event of a pollution episode”, indicates the prefecture, specifying that the access routes to TCL park and ride “are excluded from the perimeter”.
An exemption from differentiated traffic is nevertheless put in place for “private cars carrying at least three people, priority vehicles of general interest, exceptional convoys, passenger cars with drivers and taxis”.
A temporary reduction in speed
The speed is also lowered to 70km/h on the Rhône roads, which are usually 80 or 90km/h. These two emergency measures – the temporary reduction in speed and differentiated traffic – take effect on Sunday December 29 from 5 a.m.
Several other measures were also announced by the prefecture, this time activated from midnight this Sunday. For example, burning is prohibited throughout the department, as are all “fine particle emitting operations” which must be postponed until the end of the pollution episode.
If there is no Crit'Air sticker, the prefecture calls on motorists to obtain one. on the government website and follow the whole health recommendations for the most vulnerable people.
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