In an act of bravery worthy of a Christmas story, three police officers saved the lives of a couple and their dog during an early morning fire on Friday, December 20 in Thionvillein the Briquerie district. Their heroic intervention made it possible to avoid a tragedy in this three-story building located in Cours de Rome.
Rapid and decisive intervention
Around 4 a.m., an apartment on the first floor was engulfed in flames. Alerted before the firefighters arrived, the three officers immediately went to the scene. While one of them proceeds to the evacuation of other occupants of the buildinghis two colleagues entered the burning apartment, through dense black smoke which had already invaded the premises.
Inside, the couple, sound asleep, are completely unaware of the imminent danger. Awakened urgently, the two tenants were quickly taken to a safe place. They could have succumbed to poisoning due to the fumes which had already invaded their room.
The heroic rescue of the dog
While the situation seems to be under control for the residents, one of the police officers ventures into the kitchen where he discovers the source of the fire: the extractor hood is in flames, making the heat and air unbreathable.
That's where he sees the family dog, seriously injured and unable to get up. The animal, amorphous, suffers from burns on its legs, and its pads bleed profusely. Refusing to abandon it to certain death, the police officer braves the flames and the unbearable heat to seize the animal and remove it to safety.
A happy ending
Thanks to the courageous intervention of the police, no occupant, human or animal, died. The dog was urgently treated by a veterinarian and is gradually recovering from his injuries.
A Christmas marked by gratitude
This event marked the residents of the neighborhood, who salute the heroism of the police officers. Their composure and dedication made it possible to transform a potential tragedy into a beautiful rescue story, at this time when the spirit of Christmas inspires solidarity and hope.
This rescue reminds us of the importance of first aid in a fire situation and the crucial role of law enforcement, always ready to put their lives on the line for those of others.
Source: France bleu
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