“Undernutrition affects 30% of people hospitalized. Generally hospitalization creates it. » This doesn't just affect older people. In detail, 40% of cancer patients, 10% of hospitalized children and 10% of people aged over 70 at home suffer from it. Two million people are affected in France.
This disease, recognized as a major public health problem, has been the subject of recommendations from the High Authority for Health (Has) since 2007. “It is different from malnutrition, which lies in poor quality food”recalls Aurélie Maret, dietician.
“The role of loved ones is important in monitoring”
At the Niort hospital center, 15 professionals work in a dietetic department. “We are spread across all departments: medicine, surgery, psychiatry…”
The pathology is the subject of particular vigilance on the part of all health professionals, who can contact the dietary service. “You can be obese and malnourished. » When “we lose weight, muscles and strength, we don’t have enough and this weakens our health”undernutrition is characterized.
Its consequences are numerous: “Lower immunity causing a greater risk of infection, risk of falls or fractures, or depression. » “We often hear: I lost a little weight, it’s not serious. The role of loved ones is important in monitoring. »
Enriched desserts
Dietitians cannot prescribe, only recommend. “We work in a multidisciplinary way: we take into account the social context, how the patient lives on a daily basis, their food tastes, their mental or physical abilities, if there are swallowing disorders. »
The dietary service then adopts different strategies. “We are mainly interested in proteins and calories”indicates Anaïs Barré, dietician. For this reason, desserts on the daily menus are enriched with milk powder or cream, for example. “Over the course of a day, we can offer four different desserts, such as compotes, dairy products or fruit mousses”adds Aurélie Maret.
It could also be a matter of adding yogurt to breakfast or adapting a portion of a hot dish. Oral nutritional supplements, on medical prescription, are also used.
Find suitable solutions
The whole being “find solutions with the patient “, which he will be able to maintain once he returns home. “Habits are difficult to change, we adapt to them. We give examples of recipes and food distribution based on a typical day. We set weight goals »illustrates Charlène Vecchi.
For Aurélie Maret: “Undernutrition is a recent term but it is better known today. Positions have been created in connection with it. The more we are present in the services, the more aware the trades are. »
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