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NÎMES Judge Perez leaves Nîmes for a promotion to Aix-en-Provence

A former investigating judge, he has been responsible for the criminal department of the Nîmes judicial court for five years.

He ended his Nîmes journey with a media report, that of a specialist doctor accused of having injected hyaluronic acid into the stomachs of his patients. A hearing this Friday, December 20 which was a trial as a departure for the president of the Nîmes criminal court, Jean-Michel Perez… The latter leaves his office with a view of the arenas, for the Place de Verdun at the court of call from Aix-en-Provence where he has just obtained a promotion. From the beginning of January 2025, he will chair a chamber of the court of correctional appeals in Aix.

Jean-Michel Perez, pictured with Doctor Mounir Benslima during his farewell party organized at the Nîmes courthouse this Thursday, December 19, will have left his mark on the jurisdiction. He was an investigating judge in media cases such as the crime in the commune of Avèze in the Cévennes… In this extraordinary criminal case, a little girl said that she imagined that her mother was dead. Following his revelations, his father was indicted in 2008 for having killed and cut up his wife and mother of his daughter. A crime without a corpse because he then allegedly gave the human parts to the dogs, facts which date from 1998. A man who refused to provide the slightest indication to the Gendarmerie investigators and who ended up confessing his crime before the judge of instruction Jean-Michel Perez and while the 48-hour police custody ended a few minutes later.

In a few days, President Perez, very popular at the Nîmes court, will have tort cases from the entire PACA region on his desk.


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