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LES FRANGLAISES SALLE LAUGA Saturday November 29, 2025

LES FRANGLAISES Start: 2025-11-29 at 8:00 p.m. Price: 32.00 – 45.00 euros.

Do you really know what you're singing? Les Franglaises put through the mill their literal translations of the biggest hits of the last 50 years. Enough to debunk some myths and finally reveal the truth about the meaning of the songs we hum in yogurt in the shower. Reine (Queen), Prince (Prince), the King (Elvis): all the crowned heads of Pop take up their rank…The Show must go onLes Franglaises, it's 12 supercharged comedians-singers-musicians at the helm of a show at 100 per hour. The show begins with an interactive blind test, but the troupe and its Master of Ceremonies will quickly get stuck in their own concept, completely derailing the evening. An unbridled and unclassifiable show, drawing its inspiration from English absurdism and American musical comedy… to make it the most Frenchy show in the French-speaking world.The Who?The Franglaises troupe, initially met in high school theater classes, pushed his delirium and his intuition as far as possible, constantly evolving the show, welcoming new members over the years and retaining his audience. Each season, there are new pieces, new arrangements, new choreographies, new scenes and new characters which further enrich the show. the musical, LesFranglaises has been performed more than 1,500 times in , Switzerland, Belgium, London and Montreal. It has won over and retained the loyalty of more than 1 million spectators since its creation in 2010! Last lap..! After 15 years of madness on stage and on the roads, the Franglaises are beginning a final lap, a final season, with a show with the accents of Best Of… of Meilleur De, in an even crazier and unpredictable version. Areyou ready?CREDITSWith (alternating): Ayouba Ali, Saliha Bala, Lea Bordas-Bernaudin, Yoni Dahan, Fabien Derrien, AlexandreDeschamps, William Garreau, Stephane Grioche, Rebecca Karpovsky Joseph Kempf, Eddy Lacombe, MarsuLacroix, Emmanuel Lanièce, Pierre Leblanc- Messager, Philippe Lenoble, Adrien Le Ray, Gregg Michel, Perrine Megret, PV NOVA, Dorit Oitzinger, Daphnée Papineau, Martin Pauvert, Zacharie Saal, Laurent Taieb, AudreyThemistaProject direction: Marsu LacroixMusical direction: Philippe LenobleTechnical direction: Romain MazaleyrasWriting direction: Adrien Le Ray and Yoni DahanDirection: Quentin BouissouChoir conductor: Emmanuel LanièceDance Captain: Dorit OitzingerGeneral management: Faustine Cadiou and Émilie DucasseSound: Jean-Luc Sitruk (back up: Stephane Lorraine)Sound feedback: Steven Barret (back up: Morgan Beaulieu)Lighting: Romain MazaleyrasStage: Philippe Ferreira and Alan DelmasCostumes: Claire DjemahDressing: Claire Djemah, Ismahen MechriExecutive Production / Merchandising: Emilie DucasseProduction: Blue LineCommunication direction: Adrien Le RayGraphic design: William GarreauPress officer: Ephelide / Nathalie Ridard

You can buy your ticket on the organizer's website: SALLE LAUGA

LAUGA ROOM Avenue Paul Pras 64100 64



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