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Between and the Côte de Nacre, Hervé has created a bicycle ambulance for cyclists in difficulty


Arnaud Héroult

Published on

Dec 19 2024 at 12:09 p.m.

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Who didn’t end up on the side of the road, his flat bike or the chain left the set without the possibility of repairing it yourself and worse, without being able to return home? This is the question to which Hervé Brune, boss of RV Cycles in Luc-sur-Mer, on the Mother of Pearl Coast (), has been responding for some time with his bicycle ambulance.

Between Courseulles, Ouistreham and the north of Caen

With his vehicle equipped with roof rackhe can go wherever the castaways of the cycle call him. Her radius of action corresponds to the inverted triangle: Courseulles-sur-Mer – Ouistreham – Caen north (CHU, Bijude).

“Cyclists find themselves in trouble, in technical difficulty and unable to return home,” explains Hervé Brune.

It started like this: one person, then two called me in this situation, because they had my contact details. I picked them up, dropped them off at their house and fixed their bike.

Different cyclist profiles

A local service that reaches a wide range of users: commuters (those who go to work by bike), neocyclists or even bike hikers and tourists who take the Vélomaritime along the coast, for example.

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is possible in winter

A last rather summer practice, which does not prevent you from getting on your bike even in winter. As the end-of-year holidays approach, Hervé Brune is also campaigning for cycling on said bad days: “it’s also a health benefit“, he insists.

But, “We must have the right equipment», for the cold. And for the security“You have to plan the lighting accordingly to be seen. You also need to maintain your bike regularly,” continues Hervé Brune, who also offers cycling schools: “getting back in the saddle or getting to grips with a heavier electric bike. »

RVcycles, repair, maintenance, diagnosis, troubleshooting: 06 48 25 84 02 or [email protected].

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