A slight improvement, but can still do better. This could be the assessment given to the department of Eure-et-Loir, when we look at the results for the year 2023 relating to the gesture of household sorting. Figures communicated by Citeo, which helps companies in the consumer goods and distribution sector to reduce the environmental impact of their packaging and paper.
Euréliens sorted an average of 66.7 kg of household packaging and paper in 2023
Residents of the Centre-Val de Loire region sorted on average 75.5 kg of household packaging and paper in 2023 (+0.4%). In detail, this concerns 60.5 kg of household packaging and 15 kg of sorted paper per inhabitant. In the department of Eure-et-Loir, it is a little less: 66.7 kg were sorted per inhabitant, which represents an increase of 1.2% compared to 2022. A figure to be relative, however, since certain sectors are in decline in 2023, so there is necessarily less volume to sort: this is particularly the case for glass, which records a 2.5% drop in the deposit placed on the market, or even for paper placed on the market (-11%), with, among other things, the end of the automatic distribution of advertising leaflets. The departmental progression is also explained by the increased collection of plastic and cardboard packaging, according to Citeo. But, also, by the simplification of sorting procedures, implemented in 2023.
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