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Signing of the Métropole City Contract at the Hôtel de Vil

Mobilize field professionals around 11 challenges

The contract formalizes the commitment of its signatories to coordinate to best mobilize professionals in the field. The signatories are the communities ( Métropole, City of Amiens, Department and Hauts de Region), the State and its public establishments, financial establishments and landlords.

Over the 8 years of the previous city contract, 25.5 million euros, 50% of which was financed by Amiens Métropole, were mobilized to finance nearly 2,000 actions carried out by stakeholders on the ground.

For the development of this second city contract, 16 workshops bringing together, district by district, local stakeholders, members of neighborhood committees and former citizen advisors, have been organized since mid-2023. During these workshops, residents were able to express themselves via a consultation platform put online by the State.

The partners must commit to meeting the 11 challenges that were defined during these workshops:

  • Fight against financial, food and energy insecurity;
  • Remove obstacles to the social and professional integration of residents;
  • Facilitate access to rights and services;
  • Promote the success of children and young people aged 0 to 25;
  • Support families in their parental role;
  • Improve the management of residents’ health issues;
  • Break isolation by promoting living together, social bonds and residents’ power to act;
  • Improve the living environment and housing conditions;
  • Promote tranquility in public spaces;
  • Enhance the image of neighborhoods and their inhabitants and strengthen their attractiveness;
  • Contribute to the openness and mobility of residents.

Because coordination between institutions is one of the main keys to success in covering all needs, the strategic governance of the city contract intended to drive and decide, will rely on technical committees adapted to each QPV, depending on the defined issues. , actors contributing to the responses provided and will largely involve residents.

Launch of the call for projects

Managing city policy as closely as possible to realities on the ground will rely on several tools:

  • Three-year financing agreements with neighborhood social centers and social life spaces, to guarantee stability of their structuring actions for QPVs: approved in March, they are already implemented over the 2024-2026 period.
  • As with the previous city contract, an annual call for projects aimed at field stakeholders to meet the priority needs of QPVs: associations will be able to propose actions throughout the year. This has already been applied this year. This flexibility allows you to take the time to build a support project to meet needs as closely as possible, without postponing its implementation until the following year.
  • Specific calls for projects, necessary to cover specific needs, may call for a coordinated proposal between several associations. These consultations will be launched independently of the general call for projects mentioned above.

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