Despite a summons to court, an OQTF with house arrest, the man continued to increase the number of thefts and excesses towards the police.
This December 14, 2024, a man who has just stolen two branded t-shirts from a store in the Route d’Espagne shopping center is arrested by a security agent. A pat-down reveals that he is carrying a knife and a tear gas canister. The thief is immediately handed over to the police. Very quickly, the duty officer notes that he is supposed to be under house arrest because under an obligation to leave the territory, the young Moroccan has been living clandestinely in France for 5 years, but that he must also go past a judge in the preliminary admission of guilt procedure. When he learns that his latest exploit means he will be sent immediately to court, he goes berserk. He insults the police and threatens them with death: “I’m going to burn your family, I’m going to come back and kill you.” When he finds himself in the presence of a young policewoman, he pulls down his pants and shows off his penis.
In court, he claimed not to speak the language of Voltaire, which was denied by the officials who interviewed him. He is being tried for the theft of December 14 but also for the one committed in July and which earned him the summons. That day, he was spotted by security at Galeries Lafayette in Perpignan. He had gassed a security guard who nevertheless managed to control him, helped by a colleague. Placed in the arrest room while awaiting the arrival of the police, he had defecated in three places. On the stand, the security agents explain that the thief had managed to escape from them a few days earlier and that he had returned to steal as soon as his custody ended.
Faced with a prosecutor who demands a one-year sentence, Me Bonafos says he is “frustrated by insufficient psychiatric expertise because a man who scarifies himself necessarily has mental disorders”.
The court announces 10 months and 10 years of inadmissibility from the territory.
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