DayFR Euro

⏰ Two injured people rescued in the mountains, Crit’Air sticker obligatory in and a marathon… read in your Wednesday evening Rep’!

In the news

???? “Retained by his ministerial functions”, François Bayrou will not chair the council of the Agglo de this Thursday. – The mayor and prime minister, François Bayrou, will not be present this Thursday to chair the Pau community council. → The article can be read here.

The editorial team advises you

???? A walkout at Toray Lacq to worry about “disproportionate” sanctions. – Last Friday, Force Ouvrière initiated this symbolic movement. Management believes that the recent layoffs were justified. → The article can be read here.

???? Lescar: a new sports and health center has opened its doors. – Athléa is a space dedicated to adapted physical activity and health to find balance and well-being. → The article can be read here.

Previously on Rep

???? ▶️ Crit’Air thumbnail: what changes from 2025 in Pau? – What is the Low Emission Mobility Zone? Will this concern Pau next year? Do I have to equip my vehicle with a Crit’Air sticker from January 1, 2025? Even if my vehicle is new? We answer all your questions, on video!. → The article can be read here.

???? ▶️ “We don’t hit anyone, it’s caring.” Djaysonkaravane and Aubin, comedians from Pau with more than 2 million TikTok subscribers!. – Diego Sarthou and Aubin Minvielle post short videos on social networks, parodying their family and beyond. Uncle beauf, mom, grandpa… The characters often made in the South-West, which the two Palois have developed, make the whole of laugh on the networks.. → The article can be read here.

???? ▶️ Mathias Dantin, quadriplegic after a tackle during a rugby match: “I am waiting for recognition of justice as a victim”. – The trial of the author of the tackle opens this Tuesday, December 17 in . → The article can be read here.

Miscellaneous facts

???? Prosecuted for contempt during a demonstration in Pau, the ELB union employee acquitted. – The prosecution related to an ELB action on June 8, 2023 in the premises of the DDPP in Pau. → The article can be read here.

???? Ossau valley: two injured in the mountains rescued by helicopter. – The Oloron high mountain gendarmerie platoon rescued a skier and a hiker who suffered a fracture in the Ossau valley, this Wednesday, December 18. → The article can be read here.

???? Fatal stabbings in 2023 rue Rivarès in Pau: justice returns to the scene of the crime. – The murder took place on September 10, 2023 in an apartment on this small street in downtown Pau. The suspect went himself to the police station. → The article can be read here.

???? Fatal stabbings on rue Rivarès in Pau: a reconstruction in progress this Wednesday morning. – Rue Rivarès in Pau has been closed to all traffic this Wednesday since 8 a.m. A reconstruction is underway, after a murder committed in September 2023.. → The article can be read here.

???? “In France, there is no such thing as a life sentence. Except ours. » 20 years after the double murder of the CHP of Pau, the undiminished pain of the victims’ families. – Twenty years after the double murder at the Pyrénées Hospital Center, and while a private ceremony will take place on site this Wednesday, the pain of the families of Chantal Klimaszewski and Lucette Gariod remains intact. In any case, this is what Maria Moulédous, Chantal’s sister, expresses. → The article can be read here.

Pau and urban area

???? The budget on the agenda of the community council of the Agglo de Pau this Thursday… without François Bayrou. – Community elected officials will meet this Thursday from 6:15 p.m. at Pau town hall for the last Agglomeration Council of the year. → The article can be read here.

The editorial team advises you

???? Prime Minister François Bayrou’s trip to Pau is controversial. – It is not only the Pau opposition that did not appreciate the trip of Mayor-Prime Minister François Bayrou to the royal city this Monday. Particularly in view of the situation in Mayotte.. → The article can be read here.

???? After an attack, teachers at Clermont college in Pau are demanding more resources to include all students. – 83% of teachers were on strike this Tuesday, December 17. → The article can be read here.

Around us in Béarn

???? Urdos: 800 trucks + 50 trains: in the valley, the groan is expressed. – 48 hours before the reopening of the RN134, the demands were posted on the new bitumen above Urdos. → The article can be read here.

???? End of copper, 100% fiber in 2025… Arcep salutes the performance of Fibre64. – Visiting Pau to meet those involved in the deployment of fiber in the department, the president of Arcep praised the exemplary solutions put in place by La Fibre64.. → The article can be read here.

???? Orthez: work on rue Jeanne d’Albret in January. – The City and the community of municipalities organized a public meeting to inform residents and traders of the work on rue Jeanne d’Albret at the start of 2025. → The article can be read here.


???? – Ligue 2: why Bernard Laporte-Fray is seeking to make Pau FC “a satellite club”. – How to stay in Ligue 2 without exhausting yourself despite a significantly decreasing budget, this is the problem for the president of Pau FC at the end of 2024. BLF tells us his intentions.. → The article can be read here.

???? 42 km from the grand slam of marathons, Nelly Lamazou is launching a prize pool. – The 37-year-old Paloise, an army reservist, is preparing to complete a long-term challenge: completing the 6 “major” marathons around the world. All he’s missing is London next April. → The article can be read here.

???? Lescar: a new sports and health center has opened its doors. – Athléa is a space dedicated to adapted physical activity and health to find balance and well-being. → The article can be read here.

???? Swimming. Lots of medals for Oloronaises Lola Poey and Kalina Hoadley. – The two young swimmers from the Oloron Natation 64 club respectively won a junior French champion title and two junior Bulgarian champion titles. → The article can be read here.


???? Serres-Castet: the cultural season returns to the Alexis Peyret theater. – The program resumes its quarters in a renovated room, with seven shows on show from January to April. → The article can be read here.

???? Why the country of Nay is investing in the… cultural department. – A new tool, bringing together cinema and media library, is inaugurated this Thursday in the plain. Locally, the relevance of this important investment escapes no one as evidenced by the numerous reactions collected. → The article can be read here.

Weather report

???? Weather forecast for this Thursday, December 19 in Pau, Béarn and the Basque Country: rain and snow!. – Radical change in weather at midday in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques with the return of rain and a drop in temperatures. Here are the forecasts from Météo France. → The article can be read here.


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