There is often nothing extraordinary about an association changing its name… But when it is theone of the flagship associations of the city of Salon-de-Provencethis changes the situation. As evidenced by the crowds at the Portail-Coucou on Thursday, December 12, to announce the new name of the “Charles Trenet” association. An association that has existed for a long time but which really came out of the shadows 10 years ago.
And in 10 years, she has managed to take center stage. Supporting slideshow, its president Alain Serre recalled the major events that it organized or co-organized with the municipality: concert of Maître Gims, by Pascal Obispo, by IAM, by Kendji Girac, Louaneetc. We owe him a great participation in the arrival of stars during the summer concerts at the castle.
50,000 spectators in 10 years at the Château de l’Empéri
And if, since then, the rules have changed, the municipality having created a board to organize these shows to comply with the new administrative obligationsthe association, with around fifteen very active volunteers, was able to bounce back. “We have done a lot in 10 years: welcomed more than 50,000 spectators at the castle and more than 8,500 VIP partners. Developing partnership with economic players was one of our objectives, and we succeeded. And after 10 years, we thought it was time to question ourselves.”explained Alain Serre.
David Ytier, in his capacity as elected official in charge of community lifealso praised the dynamism and above all “the ability to unite other associations around events”of this association which therefore took the name of “Salon en fête”. Proof of this renewal, the association has also acquireda new logo in “yellow and blue” colors with the Château de l’Empéri in the background. With displayed values: trust, sincerity, complicity and “humility”, as the president recalled.
The return of “A time for them” to the Trenet space in Salon-de-Provence
Gathered around its values, the members of the association, joined by their numerous partners, will reiterate their “A time for them” event. Last year, this event dedicated to women brought together 780 people during a concert by local artists. A beautiful evening followed the next day by a show also dedicated to women in all aspects of their lives. 852 visitors flocked there around fifty exhibitors.
“This year, we will have to push the walls of the Charles Trenet space. We will have 10 more exhibitors, spread across different villages: art, culture, health, well-being, entrepreneurship”clarified Albane Réal, creator of this salon and member of Salon en fête.
And it is thecomedian Gigi la Toulonnaise who will open the ball on Friday March 7 at Espace Trenet with her show “Gigi strips your hair”.
The profits from the show and the meals offered will be donated to the Salon hospital forpurchase of mammograph. This idea had also emerged during the presentation of the profits from “A Time for Them” to this same hospital. Funds intended for screening of cardiovascular and gynecological risk factors in women.
The Salon en fête adventure is therefore not about to end.
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