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Canal Plus and the Minister of Communication have reached an agreement

After being faced with a customs adjustment in 2024 amounting to around 2 million euros (or around 1.3 billion FCFA), the Canal Plus group seems to have found common ground with the Ministry of Communication of Senegal .

According to revelations from the magazine ConfidentielDakar taken up by DakarActu, the Senegalese authorities had initially demanded nearly 4.1 billion FCFA from the group, which until then had only paid 75 million in annual fees. Despite Dakar’s stated desire to renegotiate the terms of the fee, the discussions would have led to an agreement on a staggered payment in two parts. This financial dispute also had internal consequences for Canal Plus: replaced the local director in order to better manage the situation.

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Other actors in the viewfinder

While Canal Plus strives to resolve this dispute with the Senegalese state, the Ministry of Communication now seems to be turning to other audiovisual bouquet operators. Among them are mainly the Chinese company Startimes and the operator , which offers a bouquet via its ADSL offer.

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