DayFR Euro

Onet-le-Château. A beneficial partnership with veterinarians

An initiatives and communication project (Pic) was launched to resolve a problem encountered on the farm, in collaboration with the national veterinary school of .

The problem of omphalitis, meaning infection with localized inflammation of the umbilical region, detected on young calves on the high school farm, by its farm manager Mr. Sharples, without real explanations on the origin of the disease, was for Sarah Bonnecarrere and Manon Delpy, two BTS PA students, the trigger for their initiative and communication project: “This problem gave us the opportunity to involve the national veterinary school of Toulouse (ENVT) and thus create bridges, a partnership between the two structures which can only be beneficial for all those involved”explains Manon.

This meeting took place last Tuesday on the high school farm, with the participation of its second year BTS animal production students. An extremely constructive morning with, firstly, a general presentation of the farm and an assessment of the different pathologies present on the farm. And once the operation was studied in its entirety, a second phase where the ENVT participants focused on the problem. Surveys and some technical data were retained such as the size of the buildings, the temperature of the litter, etc.

A second meeting is already scheduled for January 21, for a restitution of their analyses.

These two meetings are very important for the two young girls, because for them, this PIC was also an opportunity to strengthen the direct link between the two schools but also and above all to promote the bridge class between the agricultural BTS and the second year in school veterinarian. “We thank the Toulouse veterinary school for responding to our request for our project and its responsiveness to the organization, but also the teachers who supervised us as well as the operations manager of the La Roque high school. We can’t wait for January 21…”.


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