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“We knew we were expected”: the first night emergency veterinary clinic in Morbihan is set up in Auray

Since the clinic opened on December 2, 2024, how many consultations have you had?

We average around six to ten consultations per night during the week. This weekend, when the clinic was open continuously, from Saturday afternoon to Monday morning, it was around 50. We expect to double these figures in high season. The consultations range from the animal which is vomiting, to the vital emergency, but we do not carry out classic follow-up or an act of convenience, nor the sale of kibbles… There must be a notion of emergency.

How does the clinic work?

After 7 p.m., a person looking to contact a veterinarian will be redirected to here. We work with around fifty surrounding clinics. We then take care of the animal, dog or cat, but we can also take care of the Nac

Since opening, Nicolas says he has only had positive feedback from pet owners who say they are relieved to have a solution in the event of a nighttime emergency.

Since opening, Nicolas says he has only had positive feedback from pet owners who say they are relieved to have a solution in the event of a nighttime emergency. (Photo Moorea Lahalle)

Auray is the first town in Morbihan to have such a clinic. Why this choice?

The project was born from a unanimous request from local veterinarians, particularly from . They wanted to stop treating emergencies at night, which are quite heavy, in addition to their daytime activity. They contacted Émergence, the group behind the thirteen veterinary emergency centers located in and abroad. This is the same group that created 3115, a free number that allows pet owners to be put in contact with a professional, and “VETaDOM”, a home veterinarian service. When we arrived in the area, we knew we were expected.

How many veterinarians work here?

For weekday nights, we have one to two veterinarians and one to two assistants. On weekends, we work on overlapping slots, with six vets and six assistants. We plan to double the numbers this summer, without too much difficulty. Emergencies are attractive, it's stimulating, there is the possibility of going far in the care, which is close to human medicine, and the remuneration is attractive, since these are night shifts.

Is the cost of care necessarily higher than in a traditional clinic?

Yes, but as for any night emergency, where the price is three to four times higher. Before intervening, we offer a quote to the owner, which he or she is free to accept or not, except in cases of vital emergency, where the animal comes first.


Veterinary emergency center, 21, rue du Denmark, in Auray. Such. 02 30 17 05 53.

* New pets.


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