To continue delivering to the Restos du Cœur centers in the Lot department, the association is looking for volunteer drivers. “We would need 4 or 5 people. The goal is to deliver the 21 distribution centers in the morning so that they can give the meals afterwards. Currently, we have a team of four people but that is not enough They are not always available, we really need a pool,” says Catherine Demurget, president of the Lotoise branch.
She continues: “There, the volunteer manager is dedicated…. The warehouse manager too. But it's not ideal, they have other things to manage.”
“It is certain that the centers would not spit on one or two more people”
The goal is, therefore, to travel from Cahors to the different centers, both in the north and in the south of the department. You simply need to hold a B license, no other criteria.
Finding volunteers is a bit complicated in the associative world at the moment. “We have 400 people. We manage to hold on, we make do with it. It's certain that the centers would not spit on one or two more people. This would allow us to take turns a little more,” concludes the president of the Restaurants of the Heart.
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