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Ambrières-les-Vallées. An improvisation catch with La Tila, Sunday 8

Next Sunday, the town will be celebrating with the Christmas market from 2 p.m. and an improvisation show at 3 p.m.

We will have the pleasure of playing in Ambrières-les-Vallées for the 4e times, rejoices Sylvain Charon, president of the troupe of amateur actors La Tila, from . We will use the principle of improvisation wrestling with a new twist: we have invited a troupe that we will have to face.

The verbal jousts will be held between the Laval team and a friendly team from Lorai (Orne). The principle of improvisation wrestling is the same: the master of ceremonies announces a theme, which the actors discover at the same time as the spectators; this theme is accompanied by a category, for example in the manner of Molière, or in song, or without vowels… Which adds an additional constraint. After a few seconds of reflection, two teams face off. They dialogue, create a story of approximately 2 to 6 minutes; imagination and laughter take over!

Following these improvised and often crazy exchanges, comes the verdict of the spectators who will vote for the best performance.

Sunday, December 8, at 3 p.m., at the Le Populaire bar. Reservations on 02 43 32 52 63. Participation: €5


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