DayFR Euro

the public prosecutor alerted

The situation of Leader Price employees in Saint-Dizier is getting bogged down. Without any news from their store manager, Imène Aoufi, they continue to worry greatly about their future. So much so that, this Monday, the general secretary of the CGT Haute- departmental union, Vincent David, wrote to the public prosecutor to request him in this matter.

“I sent him a letter so that he speeds up the intervention of the Commercial Court, so that a cessation of activity can be initiated and the store employees can claim, as such, compensation,” explains -he. In recent months, the store is no longer stocked and salaries are no longer – or only very partially – paid. “They continue to come to work for fear of job abandonment, which could lead to dismissal. It would be too easy,” he continues.

The Leader Price sign taken down in the middle of the night

In an extremely precarious situation, employees risk very quickly no longer being able to meet their needs or pay their bills and rent. “Other questions arise: were social contributions paid to URSSAF? Do they really benefit from social security? As for the commitment to maintain foresight and mutual insurance by the Casino group, which sold the bragarde brand to this lady for the symbolic euro, it ends on December 31, 2024. We are almost there. What will happen to them next in this situation? »

During the night from Monday to Tuesday, the Leader Price sign several meters long was taken down on the sly. The store remains open, but it is almost completely empty. Nobody knows if a buyer is planned. “Everyone is completely helpless,” laments Vincent David, who tried, in vain, to contact the store manager, owner of other Leader Prices, including one in Oise, in exactly the same situation…

Delphine Catalifaud


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