It was the last session of the president of the Lot Chamber of Agriculture, at the end of November. Christophe Canal took advantage of this session to officially announce that he will not run for president of the consular establishment during the next elections in January.
The members present warmly thanked him for these twelve years spent at the head of the institution. On behalf of the profession, Alain Lafragette praised his unwavering commitment to defending and supporting Lotoise Agriculture in this particularly turbulent period. Indeed, this last six-year mandate was hit by terrible events, the Covid-19 crisis, the destabilization of markets following the war in Ukraine, climatic calamities and health crises due to animal diseases!
New elections from January 7 to 30
In such an unprecedented context, the Chamber of Agriculture was in great demand to support and guide Lotois farmers in order to help them overcome all these events. Christophe Canal underlined this forcefully, in turn thanking the members and staff of the chamber who accompanied him and who mobilized to meet these challenges. At 50, he remains president of the Capel La Quercynoise cooperative group and mayor of Barguelone in Quercy.
Note that the ballot to designate new representatives within the chambers of agriculture will open on Tuesday January 7, 2025 and will end on Thursday January 30, 2025.
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