It is a planning document which applies to the whole of Île-de-France without distinction: the regional master plan (SDRIF-E). Adopted last fall, it aims to “correct spatial, social and economic disparities”, “coordinate the travel offer” et “preserve rural and natural areas in order to ensure the conditions for sustainable development”. Above all, it defines the footprint of all activities.
Barnier exempts industrial projects from zero net artificialization (ZAN)
And for good reason: the current law relating to artificialization (ZAN) requires halving the consumption of natural and forest areas (ENAF) by 2031 and ceasing any operation of nibbling arable land in 2050. to achieve this dual objective in the capital region, the public operator Grand Paris Aménagement (GPA) and the Banque des Territoires, an entity of Caisse des Dépôts, has just launched the real estate company Terra Eco, for 12 million euros.
Scarcity of available land
Faced with the scarcity of land which will increase the costs of available space, it is a question of helping local authorities and other owners who want to keep control over their public and parapublic land in the long term. The two institutions rely on the construction lease, a mechanism which is celebrating its 60th anniversary and which Prime Minister Pompidou justified “to allow land to be expropriated without paying for it other than through participation in the profits from construction and rental”.
« This tool makes it possible to dissociate land and real estate ownership within the framework of a contract based on a construction project. This has the advantage of being able to control the destination of the land over time and to guarantee that real estate quality is maintained over time”explains to The Tribune Stéphan de Fay, DG of Grand Paris Aménagement.
Two examples in Val-d'Oise
The economic model is simple: the property company buys the land with its own funds and receives rent for the duration of the lease. Meanwhile, businesses can build on it, without worrying about purchasing it, and invest in their productive device.
For example, in the Aerolians concerted development zone (ZAC) in Val-d'Oise, Terra Eco will buy the land from GPA for two operations: a logistics and industrial hotel on three levels of 30,000 m² from the real estate developer Quartus which will pay for the building and rent for 70 years, but also a service station dedicated to hydrogen and electricity for which Hyliko will pay for the installations and rent for 20 years.
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