Independence, money, love, changes… If you were born between March 21 and April 19 under the sign of Aries, fire sign, discover your horoscope and the forecasts for your year 2025 by our astrologer Catherine Viguié .
A new year is looming, and the movement of the planets, the Sun and the Moon, is progressing in the sky. So what influence for each of us, according to our astrological sign? For the sign of Ariesit's time to breathe new life into your life. Our astrologer Catherine Viguié gives you the keys to your horoscope for this year 2025which promises to be full of changes.
The trends of the year 2025 for Aries ⭐
This year, your beautiful energy is put to the test. Invest yourself body and soul, and give yourself the means to achieve your ambitions. Some key things to remember:
- Personal life : at the start of the year, you sometimes move forward alone, but you draw your strength from it.
- Professional and family development : a major turning point is looming with changes at home, an opportunity for you to assert your individuality.
- Health : to manage tensions, turn to a trusted therapist.
- Finances : your money gives you new freedom in 2025.
Catherine Viguié’s advice : it is necessary to invest yourself, body and soul, in order to bring new life to your life. And you will succeed!
Aries on the heart side: your year 2025
At the start of the year, you sometimes move forward alone, and you will turn it into a strength! Hope is definitely reborn from April opening the way to new perspectives.
Aries on the work and family side in 2025
Major turning point, with family life evolving (Some move). In the end, you find your advantage there, by asserting yourself on an individual level.
Aries finances in 2025
An obvious fact: money allows you to gain freedom.
Aries health in 2025
Some possible tensions, and it is by abandoning yourself to the hands of a good therapist that you can overcome them.
The good period for Aries in 2025
From the end of May, you know that you must ensure…The confidence is there, it does not leave you!
Discover the 2025 horoscope of other signs
Your daily horoscope
Sign by sign every morning, Catherine Viguié reveals your horoscope for the day on France Bleu. The horoscope is available for free as a podcast. ????
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