Updated on 02/12/2024
In line with previous editions, the 2025 call for local projects is entirely decentralized and aims to support the action of State services and the mobilization of civil society against racism, anti-Semitism, discrimination linked to origin and anti-LGBT+ hatred.
Equipped with an envelope of 3 M€, subject to the vote of the initial 2025 finance lawthe local call for projects supports education, prevention, training and assistance actions for victims as well as those relating to communication and the organization of events linked to the fight against racism and anti-Semitism, discrimination linked to origin as well as the fight against anti-LGBT+ hatred.
Who can apply?
This call for local projects is primarily aimed at structures whose main objective is to fight against racism, anti-Semitism, discrimination linked to origin and/or anti-LGBT+ hatred. They can be made up of professionals and/or volunteers, of an associative type or not. 1901 law associations, cultural establishments, as well as schools and universities can therefore apply.
What projects can be supported?
This call for local projects aims to support actions with territorial scope which are part of the objectives of the two national plans supported by DILCRAH, freely consultable and downloadable on the DILCRAH website (https://www.dilcrah.fr):
- The National Plan to combat racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination linked to origin 2023/2026, the priorities of which are as follows:
1 – Affirm (reality and universalism)
2 – Measure (racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination)
3 – Train (all stakeholders)
4 – Sanction (the authors)
5 – Support (the public and the territories)
- The National Plan for equality, against hatred and anti-LGBT+ discrimination 2023/2026, the five priority axes of which are as follows:
1 – Name reality
2 – Better measure these actions
3 – Guarantee access and effectiveness of rights
4 – Sanction LGBTphobic authors and acts
5 – Develop our European and international strategy
The projects presented must clearly refer to this.
Projects that fall within the following priorities are therefore eligible:
- the fight against racist, anti-Semitic and LGBTphobic prejudices and stereotypes, actions aimed at young people, during school, after-school and extra-curricular time;
- the promotion of resources and information as well as the development of reporting against hate speech on the internet;
- the production of online content aimed at combating racist, anti-Semitic and/or LGBTphobic hatred and harassment as well as discrimination linked to origin and promoting citizenship online;
- information and media education, prevention of acts and repetition/recurrence, awareness-raising among social partners and stakeholders in the world of work, assistance to victims as well as communication actions and organization events against hatred and discrimination;
- the participation and/or promotion of places of history and memory, including the memory of slavery, the slave trade and their abolitions;
- support and training for those involved in the fight against racism, anti-Semitism, discrimination linked to origin and/or anti-LGBT+ hatred;
- actions carried out by LGBT+ centers (excluding operations which already benefit from a specific financing system excluding local calls for projects);
- the development of citizenship courses and accountability measures, particularly in partnership with places of memory and history;
- support for victims of racism, anti-Semitism, discrimination linked to origin and/or anti-LGBT+ hatred;
- participation in the week of education and action against racism and anti-Semitism in March 2025;
- participation in events which will take place around the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on May 17 and LGBT+ pride marches.
Which projects will be rejected?
Projects which do not make a contribution will not be accepted. concrete and direct link with the priorities of the two national plans, as well as those relating to generalities or not falling within the scope of the fight against racism, anti-Semitism, discrimination linked to origin and/or anti-LGBT+ hatred ( generalities on “citizenship”, “living together”, “values” such as, for example: “the values of sport”).
Projects relating to gender equality, women's rights, sexism, radicalization, secularism, equal opportunities, discrimination (except those linked to origin, gender identity) will be rejected. and sexual orientation) and projects carried out by local authorities.
How will applications be selected?
Applications will be subject to local examination by the competent state services designated by the department prefect. The final programming is subject to validation in the Operational Committee to Combat Racism, Anti-Semitism and Anti-LGBT Hate (CORAH), co-chaired by the prefect of the department and the public prosecutor.
DILCRAH intervenes in support of departmental prefectures. It reserves the right, in coordination with the CORAHs, to control the reality of the local actions financed and their adequacy with the priorities of the national plans and this call for local projects.
What are the winners’ commitments?
The funded structures undertake to implement their project as a priority during the year 2025 (projects carried out between September and December 2024 may also be accepted).
The funded structures undertake to respect the republican values of liberty, equality, fraternity and the principle of secularism by signing the republican engagement contract.
The funded structures must affix the DILCRAH logo on all communication media relating to the funded action and to:
– Find information in the DILCRAH partner directory accessible at the following address https://www.dilcrah.gouv.fr/
– Register their events in the agenda of DILCRAH partners accessible at the following address https://www.dilcrah.gouv.fr/
- November 28, 2024: Launch of the new call for local projects
- From November 29, 2024 to January 17, 2025 : Submission of applications to the DDETSPP of Haute-Corse (for actions taking place in Haute-Corse) and to the Prefecture of Corsica-du-Sud (for actions taking place in Corsica-du-Sud)
- From January 18, 2025 to February 28, 2025 : Local instruction, selection of projects by prefectures/DDETSPP and holding of Operational Committees to combat Racism, Anti-Semitism, Anti-LGBT Hate and Discrimination linked to origin (CORAHD)
- From March 3, 2025 : Transmission to DILCRAH of projects validated in CORAHD
- From March 24, 2025 : Notification by prefectures to project leaders of the results of the local call for projects
How to submit an application file?
What documents must be provided?
The application file includes:
Where to submit my application?
By postal mail or direct deposit:
Departmental Directorate of Employment, Labor, Solidarity and Population Protection (DDETSPP)
“Social Cohesion and Employability Support” Service
to the attention of Sophie Antonetti or Cécilia CANTARELLI
Building Bella Vista – Rue Paratogju / CS 60 011
AND by email to the following addresses:
[email protected] / [email protected]
When and how will the winners of the call for projects be notified?
The winners of the call for projects will be notified, from March 24, 2025 the amount of the subsidy awarded to them and the terms of payment of this subsidy.
Documents listed in the article
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