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Are you comfortable in Entre Sambre et Meuse? An investigation is underway

Difficult communication

The response rate is currently insufficientcontinues Philippe Mouyart. However, we have informed our partners widely. In addition to access to the survey via QR code, paper versions are made available, particularly for people participating in workshops organized by socio-professional integration services.

Several CPAS in the area were contacted. Obviously, the information goes badly. This is particularly the case with Jehanne Detrixhe, president of the CPAS de Couvin: “I am not aware of this process, but I will find out“But the investigation closes at the end of December.”But if the participation rate is not sufficient, we will consider extending it“, underlines Philippe Mouyart.

Having learned through us of the themes briefly covered in the survey, Jehanne Detrixhe reacts: “I have the impression that we are knocking open doors. We have been aware for a long time of the difficulties experienced in our territory. However, many resources are available to engage people who think, rather than to actually put things in place.

Mobility represents a common denominator in rural areas; without it, it is complicated to attend training, respond to a job offer or access a healthcare center. Jehanne Detrixhe, also acting director at the Doische CPAS, continues: “When we ask for an express TEC line which passes through Doische, we are told that this could only be done by removing another line elsewhere in the south of Namur. In my opinion, we must not weaken what exists, we must improve it. Fortunately, via its social cohesion plan, the Doische CPAS has developed its own social transport, a tool which represents real added value. That's concrete.

Studies that follow one another

We act on several levelsexplains Olivier Foubert, director of the mobility agency Mobilesem. We therefore work with the Walloon Region, the Charleroi Metropole community, and locally in partnership with the municipalities concerned, particularly in terms of on-demand transport. Our actions are based on a study – called SESSAM – carried out for the south Between Sambre and Meuse, as well as on the mobility plan of Charleroi Métropole.“The SESSAM study in question dates from 2013; its conclusions indicate that it is a”starting point for improving mobility.

Even though more than a decade has passed, Olivier Foubert concludes constructively: “We will take into account the results of the investigation currently being carried out“.

In addition to the creation of Mobilesem, a new non-profit organization – Questions Logement – has just been set upspecifies Michel Mouyart in turn. A person is hired there to facilitate the search for accommodation or analyze a lease before signing.

What next?

There are also actions that are not visible to the general publiccontinues Mr. Mouyart. We are strengthening our partnership network over time; the interlocutors meet, exchange and thus maintain a dynamic.

As for the follow-up to the investigation: “A working group will analyze the results. We hope to be able to put new things in place in terms of mobility, health care or the fight against social isolation.“The conclusions are expected during the first half of 2025. Citizens are invited to participate in the survey in particular via the QR code opposite.
