Cormorants are considered the greatest scourge of fish farmers in Brenne. It is therefore with certain relief that the profession learns of the decree issued by the prefect of Indre. It authorizes shooting of cormorants in a very regulated manner : three dormitories are specifically mentioned and the quotas in force must be respected. “Between Saint-Gaultier and Le Blanc, we spotted three roosts of great cormorants. For us, this is a big problem because the ponds are low during the fishing season and we are very vulnerable”details Joël Deloche, president of the Brenne fish farmers’ union.
A considerable impact on fish production
The fish farmers are categorical: the arrival of cormorants has caused the loss of a third of the annual fish production in Brenne. In a few years, it went from 1,200 to 900 tonnes per year. “You should know that a cormorant eats 500 grams of fish per day and to this must be added 500 grams of injured and stressed fish and therefore doomed to death”indicates Joël Deloche. He is satisfied with having been heard by the prefect of Indre, after many months spent raising awareness.
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