DayFR Euro

Sunday June 30, 2024 forecast

Lille’s day will be marked by the appearance of clouds in the sky. Temperatures will be 15°C at the lowest and 21°C at the highest. On the other hand, the weather should improve during the morning. The thermometer will display 17°C on average. A north wind will blow lightly. In the afternoon, clouds will dot the sky, thus hindering the appearance of the sun. The weather will be punctuated by scattered rain. Values ​​will be between 17 and 21°C. Scattered rain will fall in the evening. The average temperature will be 16°C. The sky will be clear during the night from Sunday to Monday.

Tomorrow, in Lille, clouds will not want to make way for the sun. A drop in temperatures is expected. Temperatures are forecast to be around 16°C. On the other hand, this morning will rhyme with beautiful sunshine. It will be 16°C on average. A modest northerly breeze will be felt by the inhabitants. A sky covered in clouds is what we should expect tomorrow afternoon. Scattered rain is expected. On the other hand, the ambient air will warm up with a rise of a few degrees. Values ​​will range from 19 to 20°C. The evening will remain overcast because of clouds that persist in the sky. Temperatures will be around 17°C. A light southwest wind will blow.

The weather conditions over the following days will gradually change. After similar weather conditions on Tuesday, the situation will change on Wednesday.


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