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In Aude, a network of Spanish teachers comes to the aid of disaster victims in the region

No less than 24 middle and high schools in the department, plus establishments in the Pyrénées Orientales, are participating in this great outpouring of solidarity.

They could not sit idly by. The department's Spanish teachers were of course affected by the deadly and destructive floods that occurred in the Valencia area. “There was no question of leaving people with their feet in the mud”summarizes Dominique Blanch, herself a teacher in and spokesperson for the “Ayudar Valencia” (“Help Valencia”) network. It is through this movement that teachers coordinate: they represent 24 establishments throughout Aude, from Narbonnais to Castlenaudary. Mainly middle and high schools, to which are added “some primary schools” and several establishments in the Pyrénées-Orientales.

“It’s really a big chain of solidarity”rejoices Dominique Blanch. On each site, representatives are responsible for collecting and storing donations brought by agents, teachers or students. “We are in contact with several Spanish villages that have suffered from this bad weather, and are taking their specific requests into account”. Namely hygiene products, others for infants, school supplies (“several schools will reopen their doors”), and always cleaning equipment (“squeegees, boots, disinfectants…”).

A first convoy leaving Narbonne served four impacted municipalities, at least another will head to Spain. A great initiative, which above all demonstrates general mobilization. “We are seeing a great outpouring of generosity, proof that the values ​​of solidarity and humanity are indeed therenotes Dominique Blanch. It really warms my heart.”. A mobilization which demonstrates that society in general, and in particular the younger generation, knows how to respond in the event of a major blow, when it comes to helping others.


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