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In Quimper, L’Irréducible festival looks like a big

Saturday, June 29, on the Kerourien plain, there was fatigue after a first crazy evening with in particular the exceptional show of Cali. Fatigue certainly but there were more smiles at L’Irréductible festival. Because, very clearly, the Quimper festival has grown in size for, let us remember, only its second edition.

If more than 4,200 festival-goers had arrived in the Ty Bos countryside the day before, there were as many, or even more, on Saturday evening. When asked, the organizers expect 14,000 festival-goers over the three days of the festival.

And the audience got their money’s worth from the end of the afternoon. An audience quickly thrown into the party with the festive, even somewhat crazy, stroll of the Quimper brass band Jahiner. But it was really from the moment that the essentials of Red Cardell, the independent rock group led by a Jean-Pierre Riou in top form, arrived on stage that L’Irréductible festival got excited.

Brittany Hart in surprise

And the rockers of Onde de Shock, with influences from AC/DC and ZZ Top, did not help to cool down the festival-goers. On stage, the Bretons gave an impressive stage performance before giving way to the composer-performer from Saint-Malo, Broken Back, who totally electrified the diehard festival-goers.

The rest of the evening? Crazy. The Hyènes set the Kerourien site ablaze while Celkilt put on a huge show. And to close the party, L’Irréductible festival put its trust in DJ Kutt and… the famous Quimper drag queen Britany Hart, accompanied by Oly, Mimi, Lily and Anna who had a wonderful surprise in store for festival-goers. Sublime. In short, L’Irréductible festival, 2024 version, has grown up a lot. And this is just the beginning of a crazy adventure.


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