DayFR Euro

Modernization and digitalization of the national assembly: the hemicycle is getting a makeover

The renovation work on the hemicycle officially ended, one year and two months and a few days after the official launch of the operational phase of the renovation project, which took place on May 17, 2023. This modernization and digitalization work, financed by the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) for a total cost of 6 million dollars, or more than 3 billion 500 million FCFA, falls within the framework of the Project to modernize the means of communication of the National Assembly of Senegal with the Audience.

“After the official launch of the operational phase of the Hemicycle Renovation Project, which took place on May 17, 2023, the work ended,” notes a press release sent to our Editorial Team. According to the same source, “this renovation, which gave a completely different face to the National Assembly, is part of the Project to modernize the means of communication of the National Assembly of Senegal with the Public, supported by the Agency Korean International Cooperation (KOICA)”.

Indeed, this work carried out by a Korean company and two Senegalese companies concerns, among other things, “the reconfiguration of the interior architecture for better distribution of space; the installation of the latest generation audio and video communication equipment ensuring the digitalization of speaking, voting and vote counting procedures; the installation of new modern interpretation booths; the deployment of new digital platforms,” explains the source.

According to the document sent to the Editorial Staff of Sud Quotidien, “these major advances are the result of the desire of President Amadou Mame Diop, upon his installation at the head of the National Assembly of Senegal, to modernize the working framework of Members of Parliament and to allow better public access to information relating to the organization and parliamentary work.

It should be remembered that it was on February 2, 2023, the date of signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Senegal and KOICA, that the process started.



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